Before starting the work

Before starting the work, it is necessary for you to have a certain understanding of the material of your doll because commonly available silicone and TPE materials on the market have different requirements for storage. For example, softer TPE dolls require more attention and care, while durable silicone dolls are more worry-free. How to Store Your Sex Doll You can click here to learn more about the specific differences: TPE Sex Doll or Silicone Sex Doll Which is Better

An appropriate storage location also plays a crucial role. The ideal environment is well-ventilated and not damp. Additionally, this location should also not be exposed to prolonged sunlight, as it can undoubtedly damage the materials. Skinny Sex Doll Sex doll players who hold fantasy sex dolls should pay extra attention to this because long-lasing exposure to sunlight can be disastrous to dolls’ delicate makeup.

This method offers significant advantages in preserving the doll’s body shape. Horizontal storage helps evenly distribute the weight throughout the doll’s body, thereby minimizing pressure on the joints. Additionally, it prevents sagging or deformation of the doll’s soft tissues, such as the breasts and buttocks, caused by gravity, ensuring the doll’s aesthetic features remain intact. Implementing this method typically requires a box that can accommodate the doll’s size, reducing the chances of the doll being directly exposed to others’ sight.

Currently, the most heated discussions surrounding sex dolls on the moral level involve the issues of objectification and dehumanization of women. Regarding this matter, we have provided an answer in our previous blog post: “Do sex dolls objectify women?” Small Sex Dolls On the legal front, each country formulates and enforces its own laws and regulations based on its specific circumstances. For instance, some countries may view the prevalence of sex dolls in society as normalizing violence and abuse against women. Alternatively, in religiously inclined countries or regions, including sex dolls and other self-pleasuring aids may be considered obscene and tasteless, contradicting their religious beliefs. Given the varying situations in different countries, we cannot provide a singular, definitive assessment. We can only say that if you are in a country or region where sex dolls are available, then you are lucky.

In the United States, several states, including Florida, Tennessee, South Dakota, and Hawaii, have passed legislation to ban sex dolls that anatomically resemble minors or possess characteristics similar to minors since 2019. All adult love dolls should comply with local laws, and manufacturers place great emphasis on the legality of sex dolls. Buyers should do the same. While we adhere to this principle, we also consider the best interests of consumers. Teen Sex Dolls Hence the mini large breasts sex dolls are highly recommended. This is because the current market options for smaller-sized dolls must incorporate adult features. This is done for moral reasons and to minimize the risk of attracting pedophiles, who may engage in illegal activities such as downloading minor pornography or engaging in relationships with minors. However, as long as the doll appears mature, its height is not important. Similarly, fantasy sex dolls based on anime characters are strongly recommended as they lack anatomical features resembling minors.

Regardless of whether you involve in frequent sexual activities, the issue of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) should always be given primary consideration. We should prioritize personal physical health over the pleasure derived from stimulating our genitalia. Sex dolls do not engage in physical contact with others, thus serving as a preventive measure against STDs. Moreover, sex dolls allow individuals to have sexual intercourse without the need for protective measures, eliminating concerns of STDs and unintended pregnancies. However, in order to protect yourself from the troubles of diseases, it is crucial that you thoroughly clean the sex doll before and after use. If you are unsure about how to do it, you can refer to our blog on how to clean a sex doll for detailed guidance.

Perhaps you have already noticed that cultivating a healthy intimate relationship in today’s fast-paced life is not an easy task. The ambitions and desires of both parties involved in an intimate relationship often constrain each other, hindering the development of the relationship. Asian Sex Doll This is because people nowadays advocate for expressing their inner thoughts but always overlook others’ voices, let alone achieving true empathy. Do you really need a sexual relationship built on a lack of emotional resonance? In fact, sex dolls can address this issue. In reality, sex dolls have become significant emotional companions for many individuals. For example, there is a group of men who experienced a lack of maternal love during their formative years or failed to resolve their unconscious sexual desires towards their mothers during their psychosexual development phase. As a result, they developed a mother complex. They naturally have an affection for older, mature women. However, such men are rarely understood by others. This is where milf sex dolls can become their confidant, a valuable companion during times of mental stress.