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BacMam + Bac to Bac Expression Approach

Baculovirus can not replicate in organisms other than insects, which is valued by researchers and been developed into BacMam expression system. The expression of the target gene in mammalian cells is mediated by the modified baculovirus. BacMam is an improved version of baculovirus expression system. The process from gene insertion to protein expression of BacMam is basically the same as that of BEVS, except that the ultimate host is mammalian cells rather than insect cells. Same as the BEVS, baculovirus expression in mammalian cells can be achieved in a variety of pathways, each pathway has its own advantages and disadvantages, and cannot replace each other.

Four types of BacMam expression services are available Creative BioMart. One of them is the BacMam + Bac to Bac Expression Approach, within which the Bacmam Vector is constructed through the procedure of Bac to Bac.